Wednesday, October 12, 2005

tralalalalala.........trouble in paradise? many things left many words not spoken..fear of losing what matters mostt.....not understanding why the worlddddd revolves the way it does..ppl dissing evryone in sight not evrrrrr thinking the effects of hurting sumone....if ONLYY..and i mean only we alll could just get along and say what we truly feell and stop FAKING IT just out of fEar....sounds so damn lame and corny..but hey!!..things that are truly wanted in life are mostly that...ppl want love?....admiration??? what is that word AGEn..oh yehh..SUPAFLY!!!!...ahahhaa...what a weird reality we live arent who they should be..friends can sumtimes be the enemies........TRAGICCC....who am i suppose to judge anyways.. itz my blog and if i decide to tok crap then so be it....what am i anyways..just a dot in this world trying to make a difference..searching for compassion and most of all...SUMTHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR...sumthing that u know WLLL last forverr....ppl get hurt esp by those they love most evn tho they know they deserve saddens me to hear ppl falling out and taking revenge on petty i getting sucked into worllldD??? say that it doesnt matter and not giving a damn.... is a DAMN LIEE..and u know itt....if it was true..u wouldn get up in the morning to face the music that seems to alwayz play the same note...but if ur lucky it reaches that high note..and evrything seems beautiful u hold on sooooooooo tight...hoping it will neverrrrrr leave you.....the tragedyy....blesss those who hvae found pure blisss and happinesss...

and found that one thing worth fighting for..

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