Thursday, July 29, 2004

...**...A cool day..**...

heyyy...welll today we had a trip to bandar for this careEr day was realllyy funnny...i ahd to do this australian math thing in da mornign around 8 sumthing..oh man i was cracking my brain..the questionss aree sooo damnn annoying....heheh...anywayzz we had to go the bus alredii...most of my frens were in the smaller bus it was realli hot and cramped...i was kinda annoyed...but was fine later on...ahaha.well we reached the ICC around 12 ..ok that placee iss sooooo DAmn cOOl...ok...with all the paintingz and that beautiful design on the ceiling..itss just beautiful...anyways they were exhibiting different types of departments..i have no idea dental care,nutrition and gardenia bread..ok it was weird..stayed there for like 5minutes and just hanging in da lobby...welll....we Left the ICC at 1.and went to centerpoint...when we arrived we had to go pu the 7th floor of the what happen was that there were like 9 of us in da lift and charm pressed all the we had to stop at each was just Hiliarous//and there were other ladies there soo the must've tot we were really biadapp....cuz we wre laughing our headss OOfff...anyways we were looking around the place where they were showing different departmentz in BSP and we tot that after we saw everything we cud leave and go to the mall..and so that was what we (annalene veenah charm sharyn and i) did..we changed into casual clothes and was just abt to leave when Cikgu Aerman was like how come u guyz going sooo fast..and hess liek..ok u guyz better stay here until 2..that was like 135...that we're likE we had to go back stupid retards...well we went to one of the boothz and the lady started explaining then went to the another botth and when it was time for us to leave..we realised evryone had alreid left n were the st.john's students still theRE...we were like the first to change and all but the lasTt to leavee..ahhaha..we'll as we were woking to the mall sharyn tot veenah had her bag..but veenah didnt...sooo sharyn starts screaming and freaking...and they realised they ;eft it on the rite?? yeahh...they ran and it was still there...which was we finally went to da mall..and started going shopping mad...which was funny...i bought some really cool bracelets and Earringz..;)..welll spent like an 3hrz in da psycho one pint it was 430..and we were still at this jewellery shop..and its like evryone just had to buy something...cuz we knew we ould regret not getting it we went to McD'z..and bought FOOd..yumyum...and charm veenah and sharyn toom pictures in da toilet really stupid..and we all took a picture in the play area for kids upstairs..really funny cuz ppl were like staring..ahahha...soo..we all had to walk back to centerpint hoptell..and all hung out..there..and took pictures while going up the escalator...Seriosuly RetarDed...!!!!...ahah..welll we then went back to the buss....and were singing the whol was sooo funny cuz sharyn had too go the toilet..badly...and we were in jerudong at that she had tooo holdd it in..until we reached was Soooo Funnyy..the way she acted and all...we were singing ourr asses of ffF in the Buss...sooo veenah was like pissed off in a funny way cuz we were singing REallyy LOUD!!!....anywayss that's the summary of the day...i cant say evry detail of it..cuz itss toooo loadz

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