Thursday, August 05, 2004
all she wanted
she wAs seArching For HaPpiness!
onE day she found it but rEAlised it was WorsE not Having it than Losing it
she FElt it as long as a SEcond
WHen Dayz PasSEd with MIserY
She wanTEd to Let gO
but She Wasnt aBle to..
SHe Cried aLL the time and ScreaMed most Of the tiMe
No one KneW whaT was GOing on CuzSheWas Gud at HidIng it
Behind her Fake SmilEs aNd Laughzz
If Only They Knew..
sHe caMe to RealIse Tht its aLwez Gonna BE this Way
aNd Tht TherE'z nO use FightIng It
SO sHe reaLised THt She''l keep On lOnging
even til her DEath
For SHE knOWz tht Life wIthout IT
Will NOt BE a Life LiVEd at ALL
onE day she found it but rEAlised it was WorsE not Having it than Losing it
she FElt it as long as a SEcond
WHen Dayz PasSEd with MIserY
She wanTEd to Let gO
but She Wasnt aBle to..
SHe Cried aLL the time and ScreaMed most Of the tiMe
No one KneW whaT was GOing on CuzSheWas Gud at HidIng it
Behind her Fake SmilEs aNd Laughzz
If Only They Knew..
sHe caMe to RealIse Tht its aLwez Gonna BE this Way
aNd Tht TherE'z nO use FightIng It
SO sHe reaLised THt She''l keep On lOnging
even til her DEath
For SHE knOWz tht Life wIthout IT
Will NOt BE a Life LiVEd at ALL
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