Tuesday, August 24, 2004
DEniAl is not just a river in Egypt!!
Heeyy my feelllooww peepzz...ahaah..i havent blogged for agess..how sadd!!..but its cooll..well well...um yesterday i didnt do much but the day before yesterday was cool i went to church and hung with all my frenss and lavender...hehe...:)....oh yeah on saturday i wlaked to the club with brian and veenah it was funnyYYY..like there was this dog that came up to us and like i started screaming and brian really close to the Dog and Screamed BITCHASS!!..and like the owner was roght behind USS!!..the HOOrroRR!!!..ahah...but it was sooo funnyyy.....hehe while we were singing realllyy lOud to avril ashlee simpson and maroon 5..ehhe...and we were like soooooooooooo exhausteDD!! when we reached the club we hung out at the lawn bowl areaa...and eating french fries ANd toasties...but i was TOO hungry to EAttt.....!!..ahah...then later sumthing realllyy weird happenED...but its ok noww!!...hehe...lovelovelove...welllzzz.....im gonna walk to the club later with veenah dil; and lavender..ehhe...nedd to do some exerciseE..:)..so unfitt!!..........variety show is on saturday..im kinda nervOUs....and i dun know Why??...ahha........i dun know what else tO blogg...ahah...oh yeahh..i LOve converseee Shoezz...their soooooooooooo beautifulllYY..hehhehe.....ahh my bday cuming sortaa..so freakyy..but its alwitee....:),..anyways il be back to blog ageennn...im in dils house at the mo and teir watching the ashlee simpson showw....:)
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