Monday, August 02, 2004
Hey peePz..well well..been having somee reallyy cool Past few friend had this party at the panGa beach on saturDay it was cool..but i went home Early cuz i wanted to watch Walk to Remember on HBO..haha..well yestreday i went up to bandar with ma Frens..dil and veenah....well it was kinda cacat cuz we'VE seeNN evrything iN da mall alredi got Boring to walk around..but it was stil cooolll cuz we were acting REAAlly spasTic..i have No idea but i keepp saying EntouRage now..hahah..itz like after veenah told me what it Meant..its like i Keepp caLLing everyone my entouraGE..ok if u dun know what it meAnz dun feel SAd..:(..cuz i only found Out a few dayz agO ma self.well it actually means peepz who follow u a Pose'...haha...AnyVeyz its WEirD!..haha...well we Went 2 watch i,roBot TAT Moviee itss like Rocking...and wE snuck McY'Dz in haha..oh yeahh..vEeNah got Freaked at one point..cuz this guy put his foot on the chair next to her so she tot it was that "ghost" tht evryone been toking abt and saying that the mall'z haunted..; was cooll..haha..well i bought the new avril CD...itzz reaLLy nice...hehe...oh yeah today i had to stay back after skul to day cuz i got A math extra claSs...and well i wanTed to eat Matabak..but my Sot friend annalene...wanted to eat chicken rIce..well being the kind-hearted person that i Am..hahahaha..we all went to the chicken rice shop..THen...when we finally sat Down...she goes and tell mee that she doesnt wanna eat there aNYMORE!! like what DA hell?....IM HUNGRY!!!....i didnt give so i just ordEred..ahah...sooo we had extra classs then veenah and i had to go for this meeting with MR.Ped for the EngliSh play for the variety Show whhich is on the 28th of this month..soo like Co-dIrector..which is kinda KIck-aSs..ahaha..sUch a Retard!!...well i was waitin for my mum to come at around 330 so i saw this black car cuming so i tot it was my i sED bye to evryone...THenn i REalisedd IT WASNT MY CAR!!!!( THE HOrrOR!!)....ahahahahha..then i pulled my fren to come with mEEE.....damn it was soooooooo embarRassing!!!!....dude man...oh Wellzz...well i am running out of thins to tok abt!!..muahz muahz
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