Monday, August 09, 2004
freak outt
helllooooooo......mann im sooooooooooooo spastic and i dun know why??..anyveyss........i had skul this morning was kinda pissedd this morning...just alittle frustrated but its all good now..:)..all smiles..:) lavender called last nite....hezz such a puppy was funny i was tokig abt barbies and all that...and he tot it was kinda funnyy...hahahah...oh welllz.zz....hes coming back in 10dayzz..JOy!!...ok im going all weird my computer is going mad and i dun know why..maybe what soph sed was true time to get a new comp..but wher's the Kaching***...hahaha...oh yeah i had english play practisee...oh yeah i went to the gerai just now and tried ordering in chinese it didnt go that bad except that my sarsr drink came in a BOWL!!!..ahhaha...but no worries i still drank with the soup spooonn..reallly weird tho..ummmzzzz......oh yeah veenah and i went into the guyz toilet damn that was a weird experince..........i wannnaaa CRyyy...i dunno why..ahaha....i think i should work harder on my studies dun think im doing 100% at the mO...oh man the avril cD is reallly cOOLll........i cant stop listing to it cuz its sooo nice...and shez rellly pweety too..hehe...annalene veenah charm and i were acting really weird in class just now...we were pretending our calculators were mobile phones and mine was nokiOng veenah's was motosung and annalenes was nokiong as well i think..charm was this other brand which i tottally forgot what i was..hahaha.....i think mz.deepa got pissed alittle at us....btu awite...umm gonna order pizza later.:)...yumyumm..ok iwanna take this oppurtunity to telll allma friends and family how much i love thEm all and i wouldn be the pperson that i am without them!!.....i just love them toooo Tiny bitzzzz..muahzz alll!!!...oh yeah church is having hawaiian night..its reallly cooll evryones gonna have to wear hawaiian stuf..or sumthing like FAir!!...the confirmadii;s this year i gonna get confirmed by the representation of the POPe....(apostolic prefect)...soppp soo jealous!!....hehe itz ok im happy for em...i still fell our confirmation was better cuz we were dacing and spinning like mad freakss in the ourr preetyyy white DRessess..!!!........getting confirmed is the besTt..:).i played golf ydayy it was reallly cooll cuz i played reallly welll...proud of maslef that the ball didnt go in the pondd...first time ever in hole2..went next to the Bunker...All smiless...:)........anyways i gotzz to ooo..muahzzzz..........
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