Sunday, August 29, 2004
her soNG
she wanteDD to scream but no one heArd
she wanted to CRy but it was no usE
She Made a RUn for it
but it Still caUGht Up with Her
A millions Miles Faster
She Gave All shE couldd
But WAs left Half-Empty
but SHe never CAreDd
but THen that Faith fUl day Came
and EVrything Came tumbling DOwn
She saW evRythIng and Heard Evrything
thaT sHe tried so hardd To disBelieve
But it Was No use
sHe tried ALl the besTT that she Could
She jUst Wanted Evryone To be haPPy
and she Wanted to be happy too
she Shut all FEeelings so that she wont fEEl
but Now the daysZZ of that are gOne
for she knowzz better and dun wan to be sumone whos no really there
the gurl that lies in the shadowS
she will never be Again
she wanted to CRy but it was no usE
She Made a RUn for it
but it Still caUGht Up with Her
A millions Miles Faster
She Gave All shE couldd
But WAs left Half-Empty
but SHe never CAreDd
but THen that Faith fUl day Came
and EVrything Came tumbling DOwn
She saW evRythIng and Heard Evrything
thaT sHe tried so hardd To disBelieve
But it Was No use
sHe tried ALl the besTT that she Could
She jUst Wanted Evryone To be haPPy
and she Wanted to be happy too
she Shut all FEeelings so that she wont fEEl
but Now the daysZZ of that are gOne
for she knowzz better and dun wan to be sumone whos no really there
the gurl that lies in the shadowS
she will never be Again
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