Sunday, August 29, 2004
naIve no mOre
hii...well i had my variety show on was ok i guess i mean my performance was awite didnt make any mistakess..hehe..which is cool at least now i dun have to go school in the afternoons for practise ..but im kinda sad as well cuz it was fun doin all the practises and i dun know i feel kinda sad thinking abt the whole was like such a beautiful nite and on the other hand it was sumthing really sucky...well i learned never gonna be as naive as i once was beforee...Never eveR agAin.!!...i dun know how to explain it but now i know..that im never going back to that place..have u ever felt as if u try and try andTry but no one seems to care??...i use to feell i had sumthing to prove to evryone but now i know that theres nuthing to prove to Anyone only maself...thatz the way it has to be if u wanna spare getting hurt..but i guess thatz sumthing ppl have to learn rite? least my peeps were there..:)...hHMMzzz........what a sad realisation is has become for me...but what to do...:)..anyways i have to go now..bye bye
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