Friday, August 13, 2004
heellluuuuuu....bigg fatt lovEyss!! suppose to be doing my Accounts and amath do it laterss....ummmm today i woke up at 730..:P and went for bfast with ma mum veenah and lil bro..went to skul for drama practise then went to church..for clasSs but in the End we didnt have we ended up with Win A date with TAd hamilton!! that moviee iss sooooo SWEEEtTTt!!...if only things like that happpen in real lifee...well im guessing that it does happenn..but u just have to be one of the lucky Feww!!...its awite..nuthings ever perfect and it may never be...but its no use feeling down about..u gotta take life as it is...if u dunt u will never know what ur missing out on if ur Alwezz sAd and depRessed....cuz ur responsible for own lifee..something i had to realise for my own self...tot id share it with u...i guess i had to learn it the hard but im happYy cuz im stronger due to it...i thank Godd with all of my being for allowing me to be me..with aLLL my FlAws!! as happyy as a rainbow that came out after the storm..but sumtimess the CLOudd is JUst sooOOOOOooo MASSIVE tthat u losE urselff.....and dun think it will ever clear but with enuf will change especially when u least expect it..hehe..i was kinda sad that day cuz i wrote thiss essay for class and i wrote what i was feeling and how confusingg love can be for me...and my teacher said i wasnt giviing my best or sumthing like...and i got reALL sad got closee to tearss..but then i realised HEY!!..i did it right from the bottom of my heart so because he couldnt connect itss not his fault..its no oness actuallly!!....soo i picked my sorry-asss up again...and just keep telling myselff...ppl will alwezz have different opinions...cuzz evryone goes thru different experiences and thatz what makes us unique!!..muahs muah..thank u soo muchh for readin what i have to going all insprirational and i dun know why..maybe cuz i just got back from church..ahhaha..:)...all smilES!!!....
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