Saturday, August 07, 2004
helloo all my Chickenn bUttss...hahah...well its like 9sumfing rite now..tot id blog for alottle or aLot..eheh...well weell..todayz been and ok day like i had skul in the morningss and started acting like hyper psycho Freakk was fun..ahaha..well in da afetrnnooon we had screening for the variety show..the Peepz there are SOOooo anoyying and very biatchyy!! not gonna put any names downn..soo yeahh..but anywayss they were really fussy and all that Crap..whatEva i didnt really give abt it..oh went to town just now with annalene and charms to get DvDz..oh yeahh Charm and annalene saw their was funny...i dunt wanna post what happened cuz i dun wanna embarassed themm..ahahha.....oh yeah annalene bought da movie 'The perfect score"..damn that movie Rocksss!!!..i mean i recommend it For all studentssZZZz...who alwez feel preSSured it deifinitely hit home with me...sigh*...and the guyz in da movie aint too baDDd if i doo say so maSelf!!...ahaha...sometimess i get soooo pissEDd off and i dun even know Y??..its soo makess we wanna Screamm out loUd...anywayss liFE Goes on ritE?....if it doesnt kill us it only makes us anywayss im running out stuff to SAy..arevua..muahz muahz
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