Thursday, May 04, 2006
umm bored to the max right now..tomorrow i have no skul so i can just chill for today =)..been a long weeekk...full of annoying malay oral wass sOOOOOOOOO BAD..i realllyyyy wanted to jump out of the window when he asked me all those was theee mostt stressedd moment of my lifeee....i mean they were kinda of the interviewer didnt even break a smileeeee.....THEE PAINNNNN...ahahhahaa
anyhovESSSSs...what done is done and as veenah would put it "nasi sudah jadi bubur " or sumthing like that.....
I LOve aL!!!!!!!...ahhaha...random*..yeah but i realllyy dooo =)........hess the cutest and the mossttt retardessttt.....alwezzz makess me smile and laugh....gosh goshh....we alwez have these random fightssss....that getss us all in thiss pisssyy moooddd...ahahha...but we alwess try to work it matter what!!!....i know itss basicallly crazy to be with someone for like thisss long esp for teenagersss...(the scandal of it all)....but i could care lesss abttt cliches cuz why would i let go sumthing taht feells soo right and just clickss ........all i know is that i lloveee al as much i did OR moreeeeeeeeeee..........hrmmmhhrrrmmm...HUGG=) never wanna let him goo..cuz hess my speciall baby and no one comeess close to him..and being without him would be just too depressingg..hokie im getting spasticcccc......hahaha
i have like examsss next weekk..very annyoing..i hope i do well...crappp...gotta like studyy like what...happyy belated birthday KYLEEE....ahahaha...those stupidd retardss didnt even tell me abt ur gatheringg at ur housee.....l..ssoo MEANNNn,,,,,anyhootsss dun think ur reading thiss blog cuzzz i dun tink anyone evr hasss beeennn completely desertedd...ahahaha.welll if there are ppll still reading thiss... HI FANSs =)...ahahaha
anyhovESSSSs...what done is done and as veenah would put it "nasi sudah jadi bubur " or sumthing like that.....
I LOve aL!!!!!!!...ahhaha...random*..yeah but i realllyy dooo =)........hess the cutest and the mossttt retardessttt.....alwezzz makess me smile and laugh....gosh goshh....we alwez have these random fightssss....that getss us all in thiss pisssyy moooddd...ahahha...but we alwess try to work it matter what!!!....i know itss basicallly crazy to be with someone for like thisss long esp for teenagersss...(the scandal of it all)....but i could care lesss abttt cliches cuz why would i let go sumthing taht feells soo right and just clickss ........all i know is that i lloveee al as much i did OR moreeeeeeeeeee..........hrmmmhhrrrmmm...HUGG=) never wanna let him goo..cuz hess my speciall baby and no one comeess close to him..and being without him would be just too depressingg..hokie im getting spasticcccc......hahaha
i have like examsss next weekk..very annyoing..i hope i do well...crappp...gotta like studyy like what...happyy belated birthday KYLEEE....ahahaha...those stupidd retardss didnt even tell me abt ur gatheringg at ur housee.....l..ssoo MEANNNn,,,,,anyhootsss dun think ur reading thiss blog cuzzz i dun tink anyone evr hasss beeennn completely desertedd...ahahaha.welll if there are ppll still reading thiss... HI FANSs =)...ahahaha
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