Thursday, September 30, 2004
hey in church rite now..and im alone waitin for evryone else...hehhe....well i had a really slow morning actually...woke up abt 9 and then watched tv...haha..ate bfast then watched barber shop..that movies really funny..and qutie touching..hrmmm....i feel really happy today and i dun know why..i guess i have a totally new mind set...maybe i've grown in some way??..i dunno...ahaha.......i just wanna spread joYYYYYYYyy anddddd LOvvEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........=)......muahzzZz.....i love ya Aallll!!!!!!!!.........
life with u.. bored..iplayed tennis just now...cuz i had a tournament..heheh jason and i we're playing in the finalss oh yeahh!!..ahahha..well my skul celebrated teacher's day today...i went for likee an hour..ahaha....well it was kinda funny..cuz the guys from form 3 were singing swing swing...and it kinda sounded abit funny...but i dun wanna be mean..ahhaha....welll i was luaghing my head off..when cikgu zaitun cikgu wan and principal had to was soo funny..cikgu zaitun was reallyy shaking her bootay!!..ahhah..and principal danced kind abit i was laughing my head...well at least it looked as if they were having fun...ahaha..i need to say sumfingg!!
DeaR veenah...shez this gurl who megaly rockZZ..if thats a word..i cant imagine life without a fren as cacat as her...nuthing can evr break us apart i mean it was kind alredi proven...:)...she knows my ins and outs...sumtimes we can just know what the other persons thinking without saying a word...and even finish each others sentences..which i find realllyy coooll....:)...well i just wanna say...that i feel like a lucky star..cuz she puts up with me...and doesnt say a word about it MOST of the time...ahah...i can;t keep anything without telling cuz shez just soo part of me...that it feels weird not telling her stuf..cuz we can go on and on abt crapp..just becuz we have no other means of entertainment!! ya...even if uR heart is with cHarm and aNN..ahahha
Dear annalene( a.k.a AnnalOn babyLOnia) this gurl is mummy lil'sis and partner shez just means sooo much to me..i met her when i was primary 2 back when we were still lil freaks....only difference now is that we're BIG childhood woudn have been the same without her..we had the same hair style and liked the same shez still my best bud..and shes the perfect person to lean on when ur down cuz she doesnt care..and she really knows how to make u laugh even in the most SErious of situations...haha..sumtimes i just wanna whack her...ahha..i love her to tiny bits...and even smaller bits..hugz
Dear chArmm...okie there are no words to describe this gurll..thers so many but yet so little...this gurl can go and on and on and ON about stuff that has no meaning!!..ahahah...shez the gurl u need to go to when u feel like kicking sumones ass..cuz she'll alwez be by ur side..shez never afraid of speaking her mind...and oh yes i know why that happenEd...u will never get a dull moment with this gurll....shez a total heartbreaker...but she never does it intentionallY...i think she just hasn't found the rite actually make them understand her cuz shez one confusing chick..!!..oh yeah shez seriosuly spoiled..u know lar cuz shes the youngest...ahah..i love to a million pieCEs.....and nevr will i find a freind like her...:)
DEar odelia...oh man this gurl is one bootaylicious laDeyy!!...ahhaha....she has a massive sense of humour and nver gets sick of laughing for no reason..i remember my first day of kindergaten..where she and fran asked me to sit with was sooo sweet..ahha...and now she lives right next door to me whcih is cooll.cuz i can ask her to give me chocolates whenver i want...except she never shares her patchi..haha...we've gone thru soooo much...i mean the first to last..from the laughs to the tears...shez there to witness it...and same for me..ahhaa...shez a really strong person and even when she thinks she cant do sumthing she'll alweZZ pull through cuz thatz the type of person she is...haha...ppl make alot of judgements but they dun know what the hell their saying cuz they never take the time to actually find out..muahzz
Dear Al....ehehe...this guy is my swEEty...and nothing can compare!!..hes the most swetest loving and caring..i just love him soooo much...and its unfair cuz he has taken my heart and ran away with it...i dun know what i'd do without him...he has taught me sooo many things abt love...and how if u feel itz worth it u have to fight for it and never give up ...:)...he alwez seems to make a bad situation into a good one..he alwez makes me smile whenver he toks abt sumthing he's really into..for!!...haha..u should see him when he does..its sooo adorable..:)..hehe....i love him to tiny lil baby bits..and if ANYONE wants to take my little bundle of joy she/he has a next thing cuming...:P...hes alwez there to make me feel better when i get sad...we've gone thru alot...thatz why he'l Alwez be my sweety..:)..
to anyone that i have not mentioned in my really emotinal blog..hahah....i want evryone to know that im glad that their in my life....and each and evryone play an important part in my life..which is why i would like
to say....thank u soo much for blessing my life...hugz
DeaR veenah...shez this gurl who megaly rockZZ..if thats a word..i cant imagine life without a fren as cacat as her...nuthing can evr break us apart i mean it was kind alredi proven...:)...she knows my ins and outs...sumtimes we can just know what the other persons thinking without saying a word...and even finish each others sentences..which i find realllyy coooll....:)...well i just wanna say...that i feel like a lucky star..cuz she puts up with me...and doesnt say a word about it MOST of the time...ahah...i can;t keep anything without telling cuz shez just soo part of me...that it feels weird not telling her stuf..cuz we can go on and on abt crapp..just becuz we have no other means of entertainment!! ya...even if uR heart is with cHarm and aNN..ahahha
Dear annalene( a.k.a AnnalOn babyLOnia) this gurl is mummy lil'sis and partner shez just means sooo much to me..i met her when i was primary 2 back when we were still lil freaks....only difference now is that we're BIG childhood woudn have been the same without her..we had the same hair style and liked the same shez still my best bud..and shes the perfect person to lean on when ur down cuz she doesnt care..and she really knows how to make u laugh even in the most SErious of situations...haha..sumtimes i just wanna whack her...ahha..i love her to tiny bits...and even smaller bits..hugz
Dear chArmm...okie there are no words to describe this gurll..thers so many but yet so little...this gurl can go and on and on and ON about stuff that has no meaning!!..ahahah...shez the gurl u need to go to when u feel like kicking sumones ass..cuz she'll alwez be by ur side..shez never afraid of speaking her mind...and oh yes i know why that happenEd...u will never get a dull moment with this gurll....shez a total heartbreaker...but she never does it intentionallY...i think she just hasn't found the rite actually make them understand her cuz shez one confusing chick..!!..oh yeah shez seriosuly spoiled..u know lar cuz shes the youngest...ahah..i love to a million pieCEs.....and nevr will i find a freind like her...:)
DEar odelia...oh man this gurl is one bootaylicious laDeyy!!...ahhaha....she has a massive sense of humour and nver gets sick of laughing for no reason..i remember my first day of kindergaten..where she and fran asked me to sit with was sooo sweet..ahha...and now she lives right next door to me whcih is cooll.cuz i can ask her to give me chocolates whenver i want...except she never shares her patchi..haha...we've gone thru soooo much...i mean the first to last..from the laughs to the tears...shez there to witness it...and same for me..ahhaa...shez a really strong person and even when she thinks she cant do sumthing she'll alweZZ pull through cuz thatz the type of person she is...haha...ppl make alot of judgements but they dun know what the hell their saying cuz they never take the time to actually find out..muahzz
Dear Al....ehehe...this guy is my swEEty...and nothing can compare!!..hes the most swetest loving and caring..i just love him soooo much...and its unfair cuz he has taken my heart and ran away with it...i dun know what i'd do without him...he has taught me sooo many things abt love...and how if u feel itz worth it u have to fight for it and never give up ...:)...he alwez seems to make a bad situation into a good one..he alwez makes me smile whenver he toks abt sumthing he's really into..for!!...haha..u should see him when he does..its sooo adorable..:)..hehe....i love him to tiny lil baby bits..and if ANYONE wants to take my little bundle of joy she/he has a next thing cuming...:P...hes alwez there to make me feel better when i get sad...we've gone thru alot...thatz why he'l Alwez be my sweety..:)..
to anyone that i have not mentioned in my really emotinal blog..hahah....i want evryone to know that im glad that their in my life....and each and evryone play an important part in my life..which is why i would like
to say....thank u soo much for blessing my life...hugz
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
hey ya'll..i gotta study for chem but im still eatingg like a pig..and chatting with my freinds and baby!1..ahha....i dun knw what im feeling today..i think Happyyyy...but just now cacat..hormones are seriously ragingg.........................
Monday, September 27, 2004
hey ya'lll.....ermm errmmm....i just got back form i really dun like pisses me offf...:(...actually i blogged just now but i kinda forgot if it got approvedd.....hehe oh wellss il just do another one..since i got nothing better dooo..ermmm.....i had to saty back after skul just now cuz i had amath extra class..haha. veenoh and annalo and meee walked to bucaneer cuz i wanted to eat the yummmyyyyy chesse burger then when we finally got there it was closedd.d.....damn annoying...anyways we had to walk back all the wayy....then finally decided to eat at jeejuan after standing in front of different restaurantss..hahaha....thenn i went to get thiss pear-passion freezzyy drink reallyy tasted weirdd but i still drankkk the whole thingg..cuzz i wanted sumthing sWEett..haha..oh yeah veenohh bought the bubble thing and started blowing bubbless in town..cuz she wanted to spread "JOY"...freako..ppl were staringg...cuz she was screaming joy while blowing bubbless..ahhahaha....ermmmm..doopp..deeee..dummmdudmmm....emrrmm..sumthing realllyy funnyy happeeneD just now in amaths class..cuz all of a suDDeen...WOOsHH..banggggGGg...BOOmm!!!!!!!!..lightning and wass freakYYYy...ahahaha....sumtmessss i feell as if im pushing ppl i care abt away from mee..cuzzz...being the confusing-freaky-annoying person that i am..i think ppl are getting put offf by that...but i dun know what too it just the way i am??>...i dun knowW?W?>i just hope evryone knows i dun mean itt..i really feel bad about but i guess if u can't handle the madnEsss then i dun know what to do .........but i dun wanna push anyone away....wah!!!! getss realllyy annoying...buT u know what..vanessa;s awite today..she's just in this massivEEE black cloudd.....that's taking ages to cleaRRRr.......i wonder what il do with this timeee i trying realllyy hard to not think kinda stealllsSSs ur mooodDDd.......i dun wanna be sad anymoree...itss soooo annoying cuz it alsoo stealllss ur HAPPINess...hahaha..:)....deeemmddummmdoommzZZZ..i wanna goo to romeEEEe...or pariss.....cuz it soso beautiful there...i wish i could fast-forward my life..and just flYY aWay.....sumtimes i really want to just jump out of a fast moving car and just float and fly into the skyy..hrrmmzzz...ok il stop acting weirDDd.....muahz
Friday, September 24, 2004
once upon a year gone by
she saw herself give in
every time she closed her eyes
she saw what could have beenwell nothing hurts and nothing bleeds
when covers tucked in tight
funny when the bottom drops
how she forgets to fight... to fight
and it's one more day in paradise
one more day in paradise
as darkness quickly steals the light
that shined within her eyes
she slowly swallows all her fearand soothes her mind with lies
well all she wants and all she needs
are reasons to survive
a day in which the sun will take
her artificial light... her light
and it's one more day in paradise
one more day in paradise
it's one more day in paradise
one last chance to feel alright... alright
don't pretend to hold it in just let it out
don't pretend to hold it in just push it out
don't you try to hold it in just let it out
and don't you try to hold it in you hold it in
once upon a year gone by
she saw herself give in
every time she closed her eyes
she saw what could have been
she saw herself give in
every time she closed her eyes
she saw what could have beenwell nothing hurts and nothing bleeds
when covers tucked in tight
funny when the bottom drops
how she forgets to fight... to fight
and it's one more day in paradise
one more day in paradise
as darkness quickly steals the light
that shined within her eyes
she slowly swallows all her fearand soothes her mind with lies
well all she wants and all she needs
are reasons to survive
a day in which the sun will take
her artificial light... her light
and it's one more day in paradise
one more day in paradise
it's one more day in paradise
one last chance to feel alright... alright
don't pretend to hold it in just let it out
don't pretend to hold it in just push it out
don't you try to hold it in just let it out
and don't you try to hold it in you hold it in
once upon a year gone by
she saw herself give in
every time she closed her eyes
she saw what could have been
heyzz..just got from my coussinss it waSS ssoooooo sWEeeeeTTt..........their both chinese and so is was a seriously typical Chinese weddingg..soo its like..first the groom will arrive with all of his friendss....and he has to knock on the doorr to ask for permission to get his bride..but he has to do alll this different task tht the bride made before he can enterss..and each timee he does a task he gives evryone in the house angpau's...hahah....first he had to sing a songg....for herr...!1..and he had to eat sumthingg Super spicYY....and drink sumthing REalllyy sour......and hooolahoop.....and finalllyyyyy telll the bride how much he lovedd her in his most adorable Wayy!! was sssooooo funnyYy..and rEallly sWEEtyt...then we had to go to the groomzzz house and stufff like on and so forth....theres a dinner later........
Thursday, September 23, 2004
i guess its jst me
heellloo world....................have u ever felt as if ur just stuck in bloody Boxx..and evrytime u try to movee or try to save urself from suffocating..the boxx getss even more smalLLer...and ppl from the outsidee are trying to help tooo..but it feellss as if their the reason there's getting less air AND spacee...all ur thinking abt is how u should get out..but whats so good abt getting OUT!!!??......its as if ur getting Out but what uR realllyy doing is ur Trapping urself in ANOTHER box...i dun know what the F-im saying...all i know is that things are changingg and im soo SICKKKK of saying that they are...blooodyy helll...!!! it just me?E?....cuz it feells as iff..evryone doesnt seemm to care or could actuallly be bothered with it......i hate alll of mind wanderss on how it could be soooo much easier just to end alll itbtht is not the case for toDay...i guesss im just hurting my ownnn selff..but holding on to memoriess and how i would like thingss to bEE......i mean wwhy am i putting myself thru thisss...NO poiNTT!! whatsoeVER!!!!..why do i do it?? FREAking IDEA!!!! alwez hoiping sumonee could just ssweepp me off my fEEtt and just ssave me..but really i have to save mYselff cuz no one underSTandss even ppLL that i tot couldd...but who realllyy gives abt tht anymoree...over and done with...i just remembered shouldnt be naive anymoree....i hate myselFFFf....for alwez going aroundd acting everYthingg PERFECt just like RAinbowss....when i know that itss nott...mannnn!!!.....shit just keepss cuming doesnt itt..........
sick Of hoping
sick of Hurting
sick of crrying
sick of hating...................
sick of wanting the pasTtt....
sick Of hoping
sick of Hurting
sick of crrying
sick of hating...................
sick of wanting the pasTtt....
Sunday, September 19, 2004

my bEAutiful-Fabulous_amAzing_AWesome-Great Converse shoESs!!!!..hahah

psycho nuthing better to do!!..:)

it.s me agAin!


very cute pic..of grace's odelia's and my shoess!!
Friday, September 17, 2004
dat thing u do.....
helllooo all cheessyy papadamss out there...ehheh..wellll.....i dunt have skul todayy cuz its a woke up at 8300.....sumthing sumthing...i watchedd i love her...ehhe...selma hayek came on and beyonce......i played golff with my 7 holes..i wasntt toooo bad todayy...i wass quitee goodd!!..except for some that landed in the was still considerablyy better.:) in church at the moment...ermmmmmm....the day before lastt..wass LAvendeR dAy..:)..ehhe it was reallly and i was toking abt how i could kick sumoness face withoutt using much effort..heheh....anywayss u just had to be there to get it..hhaha...ummm...umm..itzz been 18mths.....mann itss sooooo coooolll.....!!!! seemmsss like a rEally realllyYY long timee.....but itsss soooooo cooolll.......i guess it doesnt matter how long its beenn........its just how u still feell abt tht ceratin sumone...and yeahh....hehehe....18thz and still going strongg!..ahhaha....i went to the clubbiess yesterday and hung with al and des at the courts.....hehe..i was showingg off my conversee sHoes....lalalalla...:)...then later i went swimming a spasticc lonerR..:(.....but i only swam for like 20minutes..:) bored gonna go watch cat in the hat!!...ahahha....eventho im in church at the mo'z..:)..bebyebyebeybeyebye
Saturday, September 11, 2004
been too longg...:)
hiiiii....havent blogged in ageSSSss..well maybe it wasn;t that longg...but close enough...!! cuzzies having a weddingg!!...and bought a REaallllyyy nice dREss..and bluEE and whitee...soo cute..very happyy..:)..oh man i played golf i woke up at 720 and went to the club but it wass rainingg like maDd..and soo we went to the driving rangee!!..ahah..then ate breakfast wth john cal al and wanii....eheh....the rain stopeed so we decided to play Golff..:)....haha...we played likee 9Holess...from 1030 to 2 oclock that was DAMNNNNN longg..cuz we wasted ourr time looking for john's bAlll...ahha...cuz he keeppssss lossing emm...hahaha...oh yeah wehn i playing at the monkey holee....i played 13Strokess!! was sosoo suckkyyy....but it was still funNNyyy..:)...ahahha...still proud of Maselff!!!...aahhaha.,...then after we playedd.....all tiredd...wani cal and al came watch white chickSss.....but it didnt workk..soooo we wanted to watch barber shop..and we couldnt find the controll..and soooo finallllyyyy we watchedd my roswelll DVD' wass oSSSSsOOOOOOOOOOOO nicee...hehehe........welll thatss abt my day./...except that im in church noww....having this whole youth celebration barbeque thingyy...hahaha...:)...but im onlinee..soo brother just went to kl todayy...and i hope he gets my converse shoess..:)...hahaha....veenah i envy You!!!!...hahah...oh yeah i hadd tennis lessons yesterday and we were playing in da rainnn......haha...........ive beenn sooooooo sloppyyy anddd lazzyyyyduring the holidaYsss...kinda feeling guiltyy!..:(...ahhaha...oh welzlzzz.......schooll startingg sooonnnn....hahaha.....oh yeah i dressed up al with jewellery just noww and it was funn.yy.y.y....i miss my little baby cuzziess cuz their sooooooo cutee.e..:)...hahaha....guess what i embarassed myself ..well brian , wani and i were walking towardss theee cafeteriaa becoz i was soooooooo tireddd...i justtttt threw myself on the coaCchhh.....without reealising there was a lady already there..and to make thingss worseee,......i Screamedd at her facee...."OH MY GOSH I DIDNT SEEEEE YOU HEREE"......HAHA...DAMN embarassingg...hahaha.....anywveysss...itss stilll cooolll....ermmmmmmm............oh yeah ashlee simpsonss cd autobiography is reallly nicee..especiallly the songg...unreachable...simplyyy beautifull...:)....i dun want the holidayss to endd...:( sweet sixteenss next monthzz...hahaha....hope i get prezziess..haha..hint*hint**,,,hahahaha,,,,,smiless...dudee!! is thee sept.11 anniversary i dunt why im saying that but whatver ritee...:)..blurRRrrr..anywyaysss i gotta go join the partAAyy!!!..arevuaaa muahzzzz........................................ heyhotstuff(muahz)
Friday, September 03, 2004
ummm..Ermmm...hmmm...dmmm...rrmmmm...i wanna goo to kl with veenah...shezz sooo luckyyy....i wanna whack herRrr....well weell i played golf yesterday it was soo terribly suckkYy..i almost threw my iron into the ponDD!!!...ritee..but im all smiless now.w.......after golf i had tenniss lessonss...i was soooooo tirEEDd..:(..but i still had to go was alritee it wasnt toooooobadd cuz we were doing slicee and noww thee intense stuff that coach.tony usuallyyy giveess...phewwzz!!! having my holsssss..but all of a sudden i feelll soo bored and im missing skulll......AHHAHAHAA.....( chuck taylor)...conversee...!!..:).........
Thursday, September 02, 2004
"She Will Be Loved"
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times
but somehowI want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be lovedShe will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be lovedShe will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my doorI want to make you feel beautiful
I don't mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times
but somehowI want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be lovedShe will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be lovedShe will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my doorI want to make you feel beautiful
I don't mind spending everydayOut on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
heyy ya'll!!.....i just got back from skulllyy!!....umm bRotheRs bIrthday yesterday and i went to frat'ss yumyum*..and had chocolate cake..i walked to the clubyyss with brian al veenah and dilzzyy...and hung at the beach likee Freakss..ehhe..well this morningg i went to skul saw my freakish frned veenah and annalene..they were acting all weirdd but itss cooll...i ate french fries with annalene and was sooo harDDDD!!!! tooth was going to craCk....and charm said that she has nver eaten ushc crispyy fries..and im like then what about POTATO chiPzz!!??!!...ahhaha....i guess u just had to be there..hehe...welllll we didnt have english just now cuz mr.ped went to a eucational Trip...anywayss so we were hanging in class and hanisah took out her nail polish and Everyone started painting their now i have painted black nailss...haha....WWeelllll...tomorrow the starts of the holidaYzzz..and im like sOOOOOOOOOOOOO over-joyeDDDd...veenah seys hi =D n seys sorry to all her fans becoz she is aving probs wit her comp..sorry for any inconvinience i was sayIngg.....i get off skul at 930 tomorrow and veenah charm and annalene are coming over so i can cook for them breakfast and eat fratini's piZZa that annalene'zz gonna sponsorr..ahaha.....all smiles......veenah's here at ma house toking crapp..ehhe..shezz leavin for KL tomorrow that crazYy gurl....i wanna whack herr..cuz shez gonna go to the conversee boutiQuee..anyways i forced her to get me sumfingg..oh man my friend pierre had a fight with my other friend trevorr..and trevorr punchedd him..and itss scary cuz trevors like 6feet and pierre's 5'"5...ahhaha...and he started to bleed and all the teacherss came.....but it was ok in the the end i uess..cuz i couldnt be bothered to find im at home and im craving CHOCOLATE!!!!..haha..anyways i gotta go noww....arevua
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