Sunday, August 29, 2004
her soNG
she wanteDD to scream but no one heArd
she wanted to CRy but it was no usE
She Made a RUn for it
but it Still caUGht Up with Her
A millions Miles Faster
She Gave All shE couldd
But WAs left Half-Empty
but SHe never CAreDd
but THen that Faith fUl day Came
and EVrything Came tumbling DOwn
She saW evRythIng and Heard Evrything
thaT sHe tried so hardd To disBelieve
But it Was No use
sHe tried ALl the besTT that she Could
She jUst Wanted Evryone To be haPPy
and she Wanted to be happy too
she Shut all FEeelings so that she wont fEEl
but Now the daysZZ of that are gOne
for she knowzz better and dun wan to be sumone whos no really there
the gurl that lies in the shadowS
she will never be Again
she wanted to CRy but it was no usE
She Made a RUn for it
but it Still caUGht Up with Her
A millions Miles Faster
She Gave All shE couldd
But WAs left Half-Empty
but SHe never CAreDd
but THen that Faith fUl day Came
and EVrything Came tumbling DOwn
She saW evRythIng and Heard Evrything
thaT sHe tried so hardd To disBelieve
But it Was No use
sHe tried ALl the besTT that she Could
She jUst Wanted Evryone To be haPPy
and she Wanted to be happy too
she Shut all FEeelings so that she wont fEEl
but Now the daysZZ of that are gOne
for she knowzz better and dun wan to be sumone whos no really there
the gurl that lies in the shadowS
she will never be Again
naIve no mOre
hii...well i had my variety show on was ok i guess i mean my performance was awite didnt make any mistakess..hehe..which is cool at least now i dun have to go school in the afternoons for practise ..but im kinda sad as well cuz it was fun doin all the practises and i dun know i feel kinda sad thinking abt the whole was like such a beautiful nite and on the other hand it was sumthing really sucky...well i learned never gonna be as naive as i once was beforee...Never eveR agAin.!!...i dun know how to explain it but now i know..that im never going back to that place..have u ever felt as if u try and try andTry but no one seems to care??...i use to feell i had sumthing to prove to evryone but now i know that theres nuthing to prove to Anyone only maself...thatz the way it has to be if u wanna spare getting hurt..but i guess thatz sumthing ppl have to learn rite? least my peeps were there..:)...hHMMzzz........what a sad realisation is has become for me...but what to do...:)..anyways i have to go now..bye bye
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
......what to do?...
i feell like screaming im just seriouslyy bored..i dun have anythin to il be toking nonsense and things that are not of any importance to anyone!!..ahha.....well i wanna go to francee...and rome..i have no idea i wish i could fast forward my life...but i have a feeling il regret wantng it to fast forward..heheh.....i think its reallly cool...if like u stay in a semi-detached apartment and when u wake up in the morning and go out of ur balcony and looking out at the eiffel cooll...:) going nutzz...hhehhe.....smiLes..:)..ok im gonna go noww...:)..hugs
so itchY!! blogging my leg is like soooo itchy!!..cuz i walked at the beach with veenah dil and al..and there were SOOOO many sand kesian al was like scratching like mad and dil was complaining the whole way cuz i forgot to bring my insect repellent..ehheh..shess a psychotic gurlyy!!..ahaha..i had the variety show rehearsal just now im sooooo tired cuz we were waiting there for like 1 and a half hour cuz my performance is the second last...:)....soo cacat!!!...i wantt pastaa yumyum....sumones got me thinking of pastaa!!!..hahaha....and i want french fries tooooo....haha...oh man yesterday veenah and i were acting like major freakss....we were waiting for our transport at panaga so all of a sudden veenah oes and sit at the slope near the entrance staircase to see if she can balance if she sits the oppositee way..Ok its reallly hard to explain!!..ahah but it wass soooooooo funny and i started doing it tooo...but i kept rolling overr..and sum peepz were kinda staring but it was sooooo funnyy....ahha..and we pretended as if we were making the ashley simpson video...haha....oh aunts getting married on sunday..Yay!!..congratiesss...i was atching two weeks notice just now....there was this really funny part where he thought the lady was pregnant and he was like oh yeah congratulations with the baby..and the fat woman was like WHAT baBY?? was just funnyy...ok im toking crapp!....hOliday!!!..holiDayzZZ!! weekkkk!!...JOY!!!!!!!! sooooo boredd and tired i had an amath and physicSS!!....hehe.........oh yeah we had to move to the form 3 class cuz they had to use our class for their quiz thing...and veenah and i were pertending as if we were still form 3 studentsss sooooooo weird!!..i want converse shoesS!!!...hahaha...anyways i gotaa watch TV..cuz i got nuthing else to say....byebyebeybye lovelove
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
DEniAl is not just a river in Egypt!!
Heeyy my feelllooww peepzz...ahaah..i havent blogged for sadd!!..but its cooll..well yesterday i didnt do much but the day before yesterday was cool i went to church and hung with all my frenss and lavender...hehe...:)....oh yeah on saturday i wlaked to the club with brian and veenah it was there was this dog that came up to us and like i started screaming and brian really close to the Dog and Screamed BITCHASS!!..and like the owner was roght behind USS!!..the HOOrroRR!!!..ahah...but it was sooo funnyyy.....hehe while we were singing realllyy lOud to avril ashlee simpson and maroon 5..ehhe...and we were like soooooooooooo exhausteDD!! when we reached the club we hung out at the lawn bowl areaa...and eating french fries ANd toasties...but i was TOO hungry to EAttt.....!!..ahah...then later sumthing realllyy weird happenED...but its ok noww!! gonna walk to the club later with veenah dil; and lavender..ehhe...nedd to do some exerciseE..:) unfitt!!..........variety show is on kinda nervOUs....and i dun know Why??...ahha........i dun know what else tO blogg...ahah...oh yeahh..i LOve converseee Shoezz...their soooooooooooo beautifulllYY..hehhehe.....ahh my bday cuming freakyy..but its alwitee....:),..anyways il be back to blog in dils house at the mo and teir watching the ashlee simpson showw....:)
Friday, August 13, 2004
heellluuuuuu....bigg fatt lovEyss!! suppose to be doing my Accounts and amath do it laterss....ummmm today i woke up at 730..:P and went for bfast with ma mum veenah and lil bro..went to skul for drama practise then went to church..for clasSs but in the End we didnt have we ended up with Win A date with TAd hamilton!! that moviee iss sooooo SWEEEtTTt!!...if only things like that happpen in real lifee...well im guessing that it does happenn..but u just have to be one of the lucky Feww!!...its awite..nuthings ever perfect and it may never be...but its no use feeling down about..u gotta take life as it is...if u dunt u will never know what ur missing out on if ur Alwezz sAd and depRessed....cuz ur responsible for own lifee..something i had to realise for my own self...tot id share it with u...i guess i had to learn it the hard but im happYy cuz im stronger due to it...i thank Godd with all of my being for allowing me to be me..with aLLL my FlAws!! as happyy as a rainbow that came out after the storm..but sumtimess the CLOudd is JUst sooOOOOOooo MASSIVE tthat u losE urselff.....and dun think it will ever clear but with enuf will change especially when u least expect it..hehe..i was kinda sad that day cuz i wrote thiss essay for class and i wrote what i was feeling and how confusingg love can be for me...and my teacher said i wasnt giviing my best or sumthing like...and i got reALL sad got closee to tearss..but then i realised HEY!!..i did it right from the bottom of my heart so because he couldnt connect itss not his fault..its no oness actuallly!!....soo i picked my sorry-asss up again...and just keep telling myselff...ppl will alwezz have different opinions...cuzz evryone goes thru different experiences and thatz what makes us unique!!..muahs muah..thank u soo muchh for readin what i have to going all insprirational and i dun know why..maybe cuz i just got back from church..ahhaha..:)...all smilES!!!....
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
i cRied for help, my God heard me
i Was skeptical , questioned and dOubted
eVen when truth was sEt beFore my eYes
Love ,it is BeauTiful
I tastED it aNd eternal grateful i alwaYs will be
He Healed me and Praise Thee
Though tHe angels Fly high,One dAy we wIll meeT agaiN
with gOd's grace
HE will smile with Me and I will shinE in His BlessinGS
It is really the simplEst things
that makes this world Beautiful
YOU showed mE........
by Sophia
i Was skeptical , questioned and dOubted
eVen when truth was sEt beFore my eYes
Love ,it is BeauTiful
I tastED it aNd eternal grateful i alwaYs will be
He Healed me and Praise Thee
Though tHe angels Fly high,One dAy we wIll meeT agaiN
with gOd's grace
HE will smile with Me and I will shinE in His BlessinGS
It is really the simplEst things
that makes this world Beautiful
YOU showed mE........
by Sophia
i cRied for help, my God heard me
i Was skeptical , questioned and dOubted
eVen when truth was sEt beFore my eYes
Love ,it is BeauTiful
I tastED it aNd eternal grateful i alwaYs will be
He Healed me and Praise Thee
Though tHe angels Fly high,One dAy we wIll meeT agaiN
with gOd's grace
HE will smile with Me and I will shinE in His BlessinGS
It is really the simplEst things
that makes this world Beautiful
YOU showed mE........
i Was skeptical , questioned and dOubted
eVen when truth was sEt beFore my eYes
Love ,it is BeauTiful
I tastED it aNd eternal grateful i alwaYs will be
He Healed me and Praise Thee
Though tHe angels Fly high,One dAy we wIll meeT agaiN
with gOd's grace
HE will smile with Me and I will shinE in His BlessinGS
It is really the simplEst things
that makes this world Beautiful
YOU showed mE........
Monday, August 09, 2004
freak outt
helllooooooo......mann im sooooooooooooo spastic and i dun know why??..anyveyss........i had skul this morning was kinda pissedd this morning...just alittle frustrated but its all good now..:)..all smiles..:) lavender called last nite....hezz such a puppy was funny i was tokig abt barbies and all that...and he tot it was kinda funnyy...hahahah...oh welllz.zz....hes coming back in 10dayzz..JOy!!...ok im going all weird my computer is going mad and i dun know why..maybe what soph sed was true time to get a new comp..but wher's the Kaching***...hahaha...oh yeah i had english play practisee...oh yeah i went to the gerai just now and tried ordering in chinese it didnt go that bad except that my sarsr drink came in a BOWL!!!..ahhaha...but no worries i still drank with the soup spooonn..reallly weird tho..ummmzzzz......oh yeah veenah and i went into the guyz toilet damn that was a weird experince..........i wannnaaa CRyyy...i dunno why..ahaha....i think i should work harder on my studies dun think im doing 100% at the mO...oh man the avril cD is reallly cOOLll........i cant stop listing to it cuz its sooo nice...and shez rellly pweety too..hehe...annalene veenah charm and i were acting really weird in class just now...we were pretending our calculators were mobile phones and mine was nokiOng veenah's was motosung and annalenes was nokiong as well i think..charm was this other brand which i tottally forgot what i was..hahaha.....i think mz.deepa got pissed alittle at us....btu awite...umm gonna order pizza later.:)...yumyumm..ok iwanna take this oppurtunity to telll allma friends and family how much i love thEm all and i wouldn be the pperson that i am without them!!.....i just love them toooo Tiny bitzzzz..muahzz alll!!!...oh yeah church is having hawaiian night..its reallly cooll evryones gonna have to wear hawaiian stuf..or sumthing like FAir!!...the confirmadii;s this year i gonna get confirmed by the representation of the POPe....(apostolic prefect)...soppp soo jealous!!....hehe itz ok im happy for em...i still fell our confirmation was better cuz we were dacing and spinning like mad freakss in the ourr preetyyy white DRessess..!!!........getting confirmed is the besTt..:).i played golf ydayy it was reallly cooll cuz i played reallly welll...proud of maslef that the ball didnt go in the pondd...first time ever in hole2..went next to the Bunker...All smiless...:)........anyways i gotzz to ooo..muahzzzz..........
Saturday, August 07, 2004
helloo all my Chickenn bUttss...hahah...well its like 9sumfing rite now..tot id blog for alottle or aLot..eheh...well weell..todayz been and ok day like i had skul in the morningss and started acting like hyper psycho Freakk was fun..ahaha..well in da afetrnnooon we had screening for the variety show..the Peepz there are SOOooo anoyying and very biatchyy!! not gonna put any names downn..soo yeahh..but anywayss they were really fussy and all that Crap..whatEva i didnt really give abt it..oh went to town just now with annalene and charms to get DvDz..oh yeahh Charm and annalene saw their was funny...i dunt wanna post what happened cuz i dun wanna embarassed themm..ahahha.....oh yeah annalene bought da movie 'The perfect score"..damn that movie Rocksss!!!..i mean i recommend it For all studentssZZZz...who alwez feel preSSured it deifinitely hit home with me...sigh*...and the guyz in da movie aint too baDDd if i doo say so maSelf!!...ahaha...sometimess i get soooo pissEDd off and i dun even know Y??..its soo makess we wanna Screamm out loUd...anywayss liFE Goes on ritE?....if it doesnt kill us it only makes us anywayss im running out stuff to SAy..arevua..muahz muahz
Thursday, August 05, 2004
yooo...just got back form reallly annoyed this morning cuz of Accounts..:R...ARrrghhh!!..whatver its cooll now...hehe...welllll todayzz a thursdayy so i dun have skul tomorrowzz soo Yayyy!!!.....thank least i can sleeepppp in...:) just sooo Spastic rite that i dunn even know what i wanna write abt...letz seeee...........well veenah developed the pics we took in the trip up to bandar...itssz realllyyy Fuunnnyy..and biadapp..!! post em up when i get the chance yeahh.....anyways i got nuthing to say..buhbye
all she wanted
she wAs seArching For HaPpiness!
onE day she found it but rEAlised it was WorsE not Having it than Losing it
she FElt it as long as a SEcond
WHen Dayz PasSEd with MIserY
She wanTEd to Let gO
but She Wasnt aBle to..
SHe Cried aLL the time and ScreaMed most Of the tiMe
No one KneW whaT was GOing on CuzSheWas Gud at HidIng it
Behind her Fake SmilEs aNd Laughzz
If Only They Knew..
sHe caMe to RealIse Tht its aLwez Gonna BE this Way
aNd Tht TherE'z nO use FightIng It
SO sHe reaLised THt She''l keep On lOnging
even til her DEath
For SHE knOWz tht Life wIthout IT
Will NOt BE a Life LiVEd at ALL
onE day she found it but rEAlised it was WorsE not Having it than Losing it
she FElt it as long as a SEcond
WHen Dayz PasSEd with MIserY
She wanTEd to Let gO
but She Wasnt aBle to..
SHe Cried aLL the time and ScreaMed most Of the tiMe
No one KneW whaT was GOing on CuzSheWas Gud at HidIng it
Behind her Fake SmilEs aNd Laughzz
If Only They Knew..
sHe caMe to RealIse Tht its aLwez Gonna BE this Way
aNd Tht TherE'z nO use FightIng It
SO sHe reaLised THt She''l keep On lOnging
even til her DEath
For SHE knOWz tht Life wIthout IT
Will NOt BE a Life LiVEd at ALL
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
abSolutely clueless
hey i back from skul like an hour and a haf hr sooo tiREd i think im oing to passs not gonna tok abt what i did today cuz il just pass out thinking abt it..well the summarised version of my day was..went to skul stayed until 330 and then went to tuition AT 330 until now im ONline cuz im just tooo boRed..hehe..i ate Spaghetti carbonara just a few minutes Agoo...!!...ahaha..:)..yumyum*..i fEEEll soo fat i have no idea WhY?...i think its just those Dayzz...where u FEel EekkYY!!..ahahha....guess its just i misss my AL...hezz soooo FArRRr......i need him heere soo he can tell me that im not Fat!!...ahah...but il still say that i am its just Funny how he getss annoyed when i say im fat like a Billion timess..eheh.......ok im going maDD!!.welllll i have the Right too anyways he's been gone for over A MONTh!!....sniff*...oh wellz....i fEEll so sad cuz my sis aint here and i MIss her like alot..WHY is veryone lEAving me??..........:( so sad..ahah..oh yeah dilz b'day tomorrow SWEET sixTEen..i find it REalllyy COOll...hehe..its kinda scary tho...we're getting olDEr FAST!!...i seemm to be missing soo many thingss..i miss ROSwelll.....!!!...soo annoying..i love to watch roswell.i mean peepz alwwez think its AlL abt aliens when thatz only like 40% truE...Max iS just seriously HOT...and hezz the most SWEetEsst guy..ok whatveR!!..itz cooll..i SAw haNNah...!!..oh man..shez going to italy next wEEk....shez going to florence milan and some other place..SOO cooll..i need to whack heR...and now brians in Germany.....gonna whack hIm..ahhaha..anyways my mUmzz neEDss the Phone....muahz muahz
Monday, August 02, 2004
Hey peePz..well well..been having somee reallyy cool Past few friend had this party at the panGa beach on saturDay it was cool..but i went home Early cuz i wanted to watch Walk to Remember on HBO..haha..well yestreday i went up to bandar with ma Frens..dil and veenah....well it was kinda cacat cuz we'VE seeNN evrything iN da mall alredi got Boring to walk around..but it was stil cooolll cuz we were acting REAAlly spasTic..i have No idea but i keepp saying EntouRage now..hahah..itz like after veenah told me what it Meant..its like i Keepp caLLing everyone my entouraGE..ok if u dun know what it meAnz dun feel SAd..:(..cuz i only found Out a few dayz agO ma self.well it actually means peepz who follow u a Pose'...haha...AnyVeyz its WEirD!..haha...well we Went 2 watch i,roBot TAT Moviee itss like Rocking...and wE snuck McY'Dz in haha..oh yeahh..vEeNah got Freaked at one point..cuz this guy put his foot on the chair next to her so she tot it was that "ghost" tht evryone been toking abt and saying that the mall'z haunted..; was cooll..haha..well i bought the new avril CD...itzz reaLLy nice...hehe...oh yeah today i had to stay back after skul to day cuz i got A math extra claSs...and well i wanTed to eat Matabak..but my Sot friend annalene...wanted to eat chicken rIce..well being the kind-hearted person that i Am..hahahaha..we all went to the chicken rice shop..THen...when we finally sat Down...she goes and tell mee that she doesnt wanna eat there aNYMORE!! like what DA hell?....IM HUNGRY!!!....i didnt give so i just ordEred..ahah...sooo we had extra classs then veenah and i had to go for this meeting with MR.Ped for the EngliSh play for the variety Show whhich is on the 28th of this month..soo like Co-dIrector..which is kinda KIck-aSs..ahaha..sUch a Retard!!...well i was waitin for my mum to come at around 330 so i saw this black car cuming so i tot it was my i sED bye to evryone...THenn i REalisedd IT WASNT MY CAR!!!!( THE HOrrOR!!)....ahahahahha..then i pulled my fren to come with mEEE.....damn it was soooooooo embarRassing!!!!....dude man...oh Wellzz...well i am running out of thins to tok abt!!..muahz muahz
She roCks
odElia LIM!!!!!!! ROCKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...ahhahahahahahhahah.......entourage!!**
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